November 1, 2018
(Above image is a postcard at https://publicdomainreview.org/collections/halloween-postcards/
which comes from the New York Public Library and is housed at Flickr: The Commons with
no known copyrights)
Happy Halloween!
“When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, May luck be yours on Halloween.” -Anonymous
Just like a Freemason, having gone through all the degrees, he comes from darkness into the light. There is much that I've discovered even beyond what I've revealed here. I have reached a new level in enlightenment or illumination. That's why this blog has gone from dark to bright for the background.
Well, here it is. My theory. Let me explain to you where I'm going with this. After reading several books: Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires by Aaron Leitch, Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa, The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt by Rosemary Clark and Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry I started to see the connection.
Let's look at some history. Egyptian priests used the God of Capricorn and the God of Aries, 2 terrestrial gods, to assist in bringing other gods down to statues to occupy. Gods would take up residence in these statues. These gods were worshiped and sometimes the gods were questioned (consulted) by the priests as to what actions to take next. These statues were probably close to the statue animation done by the early Greeks; it is like working with familiars today. Familiars might help a witch to acquire knowledge; they might also execute a task for a witch. I'm not mentioning which Egyptian gods worked in this instance because it can work for whatever system of gods you choose to work with: Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew or Roman. In the more recent goetic magic rituals from Agrippa's time, a knife was consecrated with these 2 gods as well to control the evil lower spirits.
If you look at Freemason rituals you can see where the lodge members each play a part in each ceremony for the various degrees. Members might represent different qualities for each ceremony.
What's different about my ritual is that I'm going to be calling up each of the 12 gods of the zodiac to play a part during my ceremony: each god has a part to play in the ceremony. The God of Capricorn is represented by the number 3. Hence, this god will watch over the triangle I've made (see blog entry with the cardboard triangle). Capricorn is over limitation and restriction. The God of Mars is actually associated with the number 5. While sorcerers may rely on the pentagram, symbolizing the number 5, I rely on the God itself as a force that can deal with whatever comes up in the triangle. The energy of Mars and Capricorn, terrestrial gods, can both restrict and force the negative or lesser spirit into the triangle.
Use rule #1 to call the gods:
Call all the gods of the zodiac to balance things out.
You need the gods or Divine Names to control the lesser archangels, angels, intelligences and spirits. Think of them as the engine that drives your car. Magic wands, circles, incense holders don't really do a good job unless you properly consecrate or dedicate them to various spirits or Gods. The ritual can be done without any tools as long as the real power - the Gods are present during the ceremony. If you do evocate be sure to use a triangle of some design. I have shown my own design in the blog article below this one. Now, if you are used to working with magic today you probably use a system where you call the Divine Name. Then, you call the Archangel. Next, you might call the Angel. Most occultists work with just those to be safe. I would say most don't venture into calling up the Intelligence nor the Spirit, at this point, as you are working with evocation or the raising up of spirits. Most of those in the occult shy away from this procedure. It appears to be unsafe. I went for about 3 months where I used invocation to call up the 12 Greek gods of the zodiac. Invocation brings the gods into your own body so you can think or feel like the god. In many cases, I felt like words were coming to mind that were not my own. The energy would store up inside myself like a battery stores energy. Talismans aren't really needed if you invocate on a daily basis. If you are using a particular method to call a god's name you never know if you are doing it right. If you call what you think is the angel of venus and aren't sure if that is really how their name sounds like you want to call their title too. Then, they know you are calling them - so mention their title (for this example) also. Call the title "angel of Venus" as well as what you think are their names. If I want the God of Volacanoes I call the "God of Volcanoes" as well as their name. Of course, I've developed my own sounds for the Greek alphabet and I believe it to be 95% correct in sounding out those ancient words.
Rule #2 to call the gods:
Call their titles as well as their names.
Instead of all the tools that need to be consecrated with Hebrew names, I want to use the Gods themselves to achieve success during the ritual. I'm not calling just one Divine Name - I'm calling all of them for balance. The God of Capricorn and the God of Aries need to be used in controlling the lower Intelligence and Spirit. These gods need to be active during the ceremony. Upon checking on the other gods, the God of Scorpio needs to be the guard. I had mentioned earlier in my blog that Gods should not be raised up inside the triangle. That's disrespectful of the god. I had read of one magical operator, with the help of others, attempted to raise up Anubis inside the triangle - this is very foolish. The God of Scorpio is very good at protection and can protect the operator of magic against all negative entities. I had the God of Scorpio in me for over 3 months, invocations daily, and Anubis brought me other people's secrets. Now, the old grimoires mentioned calling a spirit 3 times to get them to come. One author mentioned calling the gods a lot to give them time to come. I might call them at least 3 times: call the name and title to give them time to come to you. Do your kids always come to dinner when you call them once? Sometimes, you have to call more than once. Get it?
Rule #3:
Call them at least 3 times before you give them a request.
While some of you can already see what I'm getting at, I will cover the other gods. These don't have to be written in stone and can fluctuate to accommodate your goals. Let me give you some examples. Where some have used the God of Taurus for desire, passion or love; the God of Taurus can also help to achieve harmony with the other gods in the ceremony. The God of Gemini can assist with the operator in communication with the gods during the ceremony. The God of Cancer is usually associated with the moon or healing, but can also help the operator in sustaining him/her during the ritual. The God of Libra can help the operator with the magic as well as to finish things. The God of Leo is usually associated with success or victory with any contest against others. Think of this God as helping the operator have success with the ritual itself. The God of Virgo can help the operator deal with bringing things into reality upon the earth. The God of Sagittarius is like an exorcist; it can help with clearing up and purifying the area around the operator - I will always call the God of Sagittarius to clean up my magical working area after I'm done. She will always help me to purify my area, people and pets and entire home clear of all evil spirits afterwards. The God of Aquarius can help bring order to the ceremony even though it is a God which helps with divination or knowing the future. Finally, the God of Pisces is normally used for intuition. I can also use this God to assist to give me the utmost thought or actions to achieve my goal. The wording of your ritual can be very important with regard to the success you may have. I use Rosemary Clark's book for the words. I can't give them here as they are copyrighted by her. I may "awaken" the 4 elements or I may ask the Gods to "come to me" to bring them.
Rule #4:
Use wording from other old spells or rituals in found in other books. The gods know these words and may respond better to your commands.
This is basically the idea. Whereas in Freemasonry, the members of a lodge take on various roles to bring about a ceremony, I am using all the Gods in a ceremony to bring about my desire. If you use Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia you can see all the Divine Names, Archangels...all the way down to Intelligences and Spirits in Hebrew. I would then use a Cabalistic magical system with Hebrew gods and spirits. I don't tend to mix my systems. If I'm using Hebrew, I stick with all Hebrew for the ceremony. Use all the protections found in other books. I can't guarantee other operators complete safety. Those that operate with fear should not be doing these rituals at all. This means you just aren't ready to take on this magical work as it is the most dangerous. Magical evocation carries with it the problem of possible possession. Gray-Cobb with his N.A.P. magic has a number of protective rituals that can protect the operator.
Rule #5:
Use protective magic before and after your evocation for safety. Don't take shortcuts!
Many of my readers will get the idea and create their own cookbooks of magical ritual at this point. I will be watching to see what comes out next in occult books. I will put out my own cookbook of magic later when I've completely tested it.
Last rule #6:
After you've written your own rituals, keep testing to find the optimum ritual for best results. Keep growing as a magician or sorcerer by reading more in the field. Just like cooking or race car driving, magical success doesn't come from your first try at something. Keep trying for greater success.
I will be trying to pull up the Intelligence and Spirit of the Sun for success very soon after I have written my ritual and put in the appropriate protective magic as well. It takes time. I have to see if it is more effective to pull the lower spirits to get my wishes fulfilled as compared to just calling the Divine Name by itself. Secondly, statue animation is now really a possibility to try next. This is really what the Egyptian priests did in bringing down the god. It wasn't all about bringing up demons in the triangle. Why get an uncooperative spirit to try to get your desires when you can bring in a god? Although, some of you may see real success in bringing up the negative entities into the triangle. Looking back at when I first created this blog, there are a lot of magical books out there - close to creating your own familiars to assist me with my life's goals. Using the method outlined above, I will be drafting my own procedure to bring down the Gods. The God of Aries and the God of Capricorn will help bring down the gods into my own clay statues one by one. Wouldn't they be more intelligent than some of the nonsense coming out of politicians and world leaders these days? I now have the power to bring down Thoth or Thrice Great Hermes!
At this conclusion, I remark that famous phrase of Rosicrucians and Freemasons:
So mote it be!
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