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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My 100 Best Books Of All Time On The Shelf

New:  December 10, 2015

Many of you will wonder what are the best books that are in my occult library.  Well, I have to compare them and this may take a little time.  You will see the list build slowing over the next few months.   If you are reading this in another country, please be aware that the titles may be converted to your language on this list and may not be available in your native language.   I have held onto my copies for years and there may be newer editions out there.  Some are available in a less expensive paperback.  I try to group them in order of my preference.  They are also ordered by category.  The category, COMPLETE SYSTEMS, means the book is just about a complete philosophy in itself to help you bring change to your life.

1. Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry by Crown Publishers (this is not the newer edited version).  This book helped me to unlock what Freemasonry really meant.  This is true Freemasonry and was its form before many of the lodges today have modified it.

2. The Masonic Myth by Jay Kinney, 2009.  The author, a Freemason, does a great job telling you what it is and what it isn't.  He covers a lot of history.  Pictures of the early tracing boards are found here.

3. The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie, edited by Carl Weschcke, Sixth Corrected Edition, 2011.  Israel Regardie's writings continue as writers have contributed much to show the workings of the Golden Dawn. This book has a tremendous amount of information with over 800 pages.  The Golden Dawn shows us what they believed at that time.   Look at how they call spirits.  See the early pages as to what the foundation of their beliefs are.  It is a complex read, but tremendous knowledge is to be gained for those that are patient to take the time.

4. The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt by Rosemary Clark, First Printing 2003.  The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt by Rosemary Clark, First Printing, 2000.  I use both of these together to understand the immense knowledge of the Egyptian priests.  You may need other books about hieroglyphics, but the author does a good job at making Egyptian religion easier to understand.  Don't buy one without getting the other to accompany it.

5. Greek Alphabet: Unlock the Secrets by Catherine R. Proppe, 2013.  This Michigan author has done a lot of research into the Greek alphabet.  Her research has helped to continue my research further.  She defines a lot of Greek words.

6. Wisdom of the Mystic Masters by Joseph J. Weed, Twelfth Printing, 1979.  This book covers a lot of Rosicrucian teachings.  If you want to know a quick guide to implementing the ideas of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC without becoming a member for years this book will take you there.

7. The Greatest Secret of All: Moving Beyond Abundance to a Life of True Fulfillment, Marc Allen, 2008. Allen does a wonderful job at teaching you affirmations that are related to New Thought philosophy.  You may have read about affirmations, but this goes a little further than the rest.

5. Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, 1982 paperback.  Gawain, I believe, has teamed up with Marc Allen and his company to release her book in a newer version.  This is the all-time classic book about visualization.  You may not believe in an observer created universe, but I've had enough proof in my own life to believe we all have a hand at creating the future of Earth in our own way.

6. The Universe Next Door by James W. Shire, Third Edition, 1997.   Shire does a great job defining worldviews or philosophies about life.   I love the chapters about deism, postmodernism and the new age.   He really does make those ideas clear if you have only a mild idea of what they mean.

7. The Meditation Handbook by David Fontana, 1992.  This book is one of the best meditation books on the market.  If you are serious about rituals you need to be able to meditate and get to deep level of relaxation.  This book is great at highlighting several methods to help you get there.  I noticed a lot of meditation books aren't worth the purchase from your local store.

8. The Magic of Believing by Claude M. Bristol, 1969 paperback.  This is a great book to show you what faith is.  You don't have to be a Christian to work an act of faith.  Do you know what faith is?  Can you believe something into manifestation?


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Words About Wealth

New 10-31-2015

This is my essay on wealth.  I will weigh options, actions to do, test, consider the nature of something, analyze interpretation. I will add to it from time to time give my impression about what causes real wealth. This will be my online essay and I will not be doing a hard copy book for sale.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Speculations About Some of the Largest Occult Organizations

New: October 27, 2015

Another entry here will be my analysis of 3 large organizations, The Martinist Order Ordre Reaux Croix, the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Ordo Aurum Solis.  Their main websites are listed above.  I used the O.T.O., for the U.S., because it had more information than the world site did.  I will speculate on these and show you what might be the best ones to consider joining or using for your daily ritual work.   I analyzed Freemasonry for over 5 years to come to some startling conclusions about what it is about.   If I wanted to look at these more closely I would take a look at early books in print that describe what the philosophy is all about.  Francis King with The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. will give you some idea about what the early rituals were like.  Over time, these organizations may rewrite their rituals and they may be nothing like the early writings of the ceremony before.  Aleister Crowley is not my favorite author.  He spoke in codes or riddles, and claimed he was "the Beast".  He may have wanted to identify with a form of the devil to command the negative spirits for his black magic aims.  Crowley's only significant work, in my opinion, is 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley.

I have a background in Rosicrucianism.  I have studied Freemasonry, researched its history through many books and have come to some conclusions.  I am under oath not to discuss some of ideas of Rosicrucian philosophy.  After awhile, I became familiar with Martinism.  I am not sold entirely on Martinism.  The philosophy is based on the beliefs of Claude de St. Martin.  His idea of prayer was interesting, but his objective and the way he goes about it - I am in disagreement with.  However, I am not a member of Freemasonry.  In either case, I can steer you toward some of the books that can tell you whether these philosophies would be of interest to you.  The book The Wisdom of the Mystic Masters by Joseph Weed is one of the best books about being a Rosicrucian.  It is written by a former member of the organization.  The Rosicrucian Manual, available from online booksellers, is one of the most curious books.  There is startling information about the 10th, 11th and 12th degrees.  I won't ruin it for the booksellers, but will tell you to get the book and read it.  I am inactive (completed 2 degrees at my local Lodge, 6 degrees through mail order correspondance) and did not fully complete the degrees.  The degrees have changed my life and I recommend it to anybody to try it for 2 years.  See if it doesn't change your life.  They will give you something that you can use in daily life.  You can read the books to find out some of the information, but it is best to join the organizations for a year or two to find out the real information about the orders.

The last order mentioned is probably my favorite.  I have the book by Denning and Phillips which is along the lines of the Ogdoadic Tradition.  Denning and Phillips were authors of several books from Llewellyn Publications.  I can relate to these teachings the most.  Jean-Louis de Biasi appears to be the current Grand Master and has written several books that may expand on this tradition further.  Lon Milo DuQuette is one of the governing officers for the Ordo Templi Orientis.  Both authors have some great books in print that may be far greater works than what is provided by the organizations they belong to.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Deism, Postmodernism and My Worldviews

October 6, 2015

At some point in our life, we reach conclusions as to what life is all about.  This does seem to be like a world detached from our mind at times.  I do believe in the power of visualization, but it seems like it has little effect, if any, on the outside world.  Those that have that idea of spiritual laws would be the deists of our world.  New age believers may have more of a view that spirits are at work in this world.  I have moved toward a postmodern idea, more recently, where science does not offer the best solution to our problems.  Respect for women, or feminism in general, would not have been discovered by the act of modernism or working through pure science.

Let me give you an example of my thoughts.  Our vitamins have been under attack recently by experts.  It seems as if our bodies can't assimilate them very well.  It makes sense in a way.  Just like the FDA extracts drugs from natural substances that don't seem to work very well at curing all our diseases.  The new movement of medicine aims to take the wholeness out of substances to derive their drugs.  I've heard that allopathy is a perversion of homeopathic medicine.  Allopathy may be the reason we can no longer have resistance to the superbugs out there.


Cloudbusting and Mind Control Anomalies In My LIfe

November, 19, 2016

As I discuss cloud busting or bursting, it is not about breaking up the electronic cloud but about real clouds. You will find the web sites such as

if you search on the words, "Cloud busting with psychic energy", in Google.  That was as of September 8, 2015.  I'm here to give you my ideas about mind control and what is possible.

Over the years, I've considered mind as one of the most powerful tools and weapons in daily life.  I've read a few books written by Ernest Holmes and consider his view as unique in the ideas of mind control.  Many of you will not consider this entry to be credible, but I will present various theories about what may be taking place.

Many of you will have experienced thinking about some object only to see the name of the object later on. This is your mind at work.  In my security work, I had met an individual that was at my desk.  I would take note of someone's name, as thought it was kind of cool or as others might say was awesome.   I kept repeating the name long after the individual had been checked into my building.  Later, on the drive home I would see the name on the side of truck.  It was the name of a business.  Many would say it was coincidence.  These anomalies I have practiced over and over and they continue to happen.

My job has a lot of lag time where nothing is happening.   I can do a lot of staring out windows.  I practice what is called cloud busting.  Others might just think I'm another security officer staring into space.  I try to use my periods of doing nothing productively practicing various mental disciplines to make my mind stronger. I've practiced meditation a lot.  I concentrate on the breaking up of clouds over intervals of about 5 minutes each.  I totally concentrate on a cloud with the thought, "How do I break up this cloud?"   I keep the mind on this single thought trying not to let the mind wander onto other less important thoughts.  Sometimes, I might just use the words "break" over and over and I've found some success at seeing clouds break apart on their own right before my very eyes.  While I can't prove it to someone else, clouds around the cloud I've been focused on appear to stay intact.  It does seem to be better than statistical chance that I've been able to influence clouds.  Although, air particles seem to be the best medium to try to alter with the power of mind.
With each try, I appear to be getting better at it.

I've used my mind, now, to get other things to happen.  I've gotten annoying neighbors to move away.
Concentration of a favorite food seems to find it to my wife's grocery list without mentioning it to her!

Many of you may find this one of the most significant information pieces I've ever made.  I've looked at the possibility to test the use of goetic demons for an earthquake.  The event would prove to be a sure sign of success.  I wouldn't be seeking a big one, but just significant enough that I would be assured that a demonic force could act upon the physical plane.  Earthquakes happen all the time and how would I determine that the quake had happened beyond statistical chance?   As I composed the experiment some time ago, I dwelled on the idea of shaking the east coast of the U.S. in August of 2011.   I felt it would be significant as it experiences no quakes.  Within one week of my experiment, the east coast did shake! Had I been psychic perceiving an event that was about to happen or did my mind's focus help ease tectonic plates through an earthquake?  I was very much amazed at this anomaly.   It wasn't so much a demon at work, but I feel, it was the mind at work.   I try to mentally run tests everyday.   The air and clouds are the easiest to manipulate.  A cumulus cloud is a good start.   In time, you will see the right mental discipline that it takes to manipulate physical matter.  Tectonic plates, or the earth below our feet, should be no greater obstacle to move.  It is just that we tell ourselves it can't be done.  If you just dwell on how something can be done the answer may reveal itself as your mind ties itself to the object of your desire.

I will continue to strengthen my mental power to test other events to see what success may happen.  Only through testing may I be assured as to what success I'm having.   I am also currently working and testing Hebrew magic, Greek mysticism and Egyptian powers of the priests at this same time.  These may have had something to do with it as well.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Church of Wicca, the Frosts and Great Books on Witchcraft


Gavin and Yvonne Frost were leaders in teaching witchcraft.  They had placed a good share of their knowledge in the books from Parker Publishing.  Years later they would publish works similar to the one's they had done before.   It was good to get the updated versions but the classics are good too.  Even if I wasn't using the systems in their entirety, I was using the theory to begin to create my own rituals and spells. Once I began to create my own talismans.  I was designing my own in the 80's.

I've seen other witchcraft books on the shelves today in stores and they don't compare.  These were more comprehensive and goal oriented.  It wasn't the traditional witchcraft were you celebrated the solstice but it more pertinent to what one wanted: attracting love into one's life for example.  

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Russia's Conservative Watchdog Problem Solved, U.S. Can Learn As Well

New 4-26-2015

I was doing reading about the new age in Russia. There is quite a new age revival in that country going on. The Russian Academy of Science wants to promote its own ideas against the occult which perceives it to be a pseudoscience. For the U.S., our churches and law enforcement are the main opponents to those ideas that are not mainstream. Churches think its just plain wrong and law enforcement thinks occult is just a cover for criminal activity. (I could say cops are just a cover organization for a group of people that only go golfing and hunting - they serve no valuable purpose except to seemingly maintain peace and control over society) I can say that the driving engine of the occult is affirmations and visualizations. This is the concept that what I say and what I picture in my mind can have an effect on my inner self as well as the outside world. Philip H Farber combined magic and NLP. NLP and magic combined together is really interesting concept and I might say it changes the theory of some things.

My opinion is that Russia's Academy of Science should classify occult and new age thinking as "consciousness experiences" whereas it could classify everything else as "worldly perceptions". In other words, the psychic can be thought of the mind entering an altered state that causes it to experience something that can't be measured by outside world observers. It can't be proved nor disproved. It is close to what the mind goes through in dreams. To some people, the occult is no more important than listening to someone explain a ghost or dream they had encountered the previous night.  It's an interesting story and then people usually move on to the next activity in their day. What we need to do to live in society is what is called "worldly perceptions": this is the way we perceive the world to be, to work in it, and to coexist with family members. Atheists and occultists can coexist together if Russia's Academy of Science makes the above classifications. The Academy can then move on to what it should be working on - to promote science.   If someone has an astral projection experience it is no more threatening to life than describing a dream.  No one really opposes discussing dreams.  It is a natural human experience and some will encounter an astral projection as well.  

Our governments tend to concern themselves with things they don't need to concentrate on.   

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sylvia Browne's Best Book of Angels


Sylvia Browne is no longer with us, but she left us a number of books.  I've reviewed many at the bookstore. I consider this one the best.  At a time several years ago, I got a terrible illness of vertigo.  It took a year to pass - it just had to run its course.  This book, Book of Angels, was an inspiration because the archangels seemed to really work.  I did the exercises in the book.  I contacted the necessary archangels for a healing and those spiritual beings seemed to stop the illness.  Dizzy spells would stop abruptly with no apparent reason other than these spirit beings were at work.  The illness had to run its course and took a year to leave, but this book seemed to give temporarily healing relief.  The book talks about her organization.  I want to look more at Gnostic churches as there is much more to these organizations.  Many people have found her to be fraud, but this book is the real deal if you are working with angels.  Unfortunately, psychics are always scrutinized greatly in our society.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Al Manning, The ESP Lab and His Books


Back in the 80's I was really buying up the occult books.   I was building up my library.   The late Al Manning was a certified public accountant turned occultist.  You can verify some facts in the Wikipedia.   Some of the titles were Eye of Newt in My Martini..., Helping Yourself with ESP..., Helping Yourself with White Witchcraft..., Miracle Spiritology, The Miraculous Laws of Universal Dynamics and there may have been others.  Many of my books were tossed out because I had strong Christian parents.   I remember having the books and not remember selling them.   Al Manning was a close 2nd to Geof Gray-Cobb when it came to authors.   His book on Gnostic Magic became a model for my work with spiritual forces.

Al Manning was the founder of the ESP Lab of Texas.   This was originally a mail order outfit until the internet came along.  You can search Google to find the ESP Lab (leave the "of Texas" off) as they have moved to Colorado.   They carry on well without Al Manning.   They give you free lessons too.   They can do a candle ritual for you or a more intensive magic for problems or needs.

I checked to find out where Al's books are at for prices.  I was surprised to find a few good bargains out there for the occult collector.  My favorite book: "Helping Yourself with the Power of Gnostic Magic" is going for about $80.   His New Ishtar is going for about $47 now, but the White Witchcraft has a number of sellers selling it for close to $3.   That's one's a bargain.   In recent years, I was trying to track down a miniature pyramid Manning designed to increase magical power.   He mentioned it in one of his books.  The pyramid seems to have disappeared and now there seems to be just a "pyramid exercise" mentioned at the ESP Lab.

Mr. Manning was a great author.   Buy his books or check out the ESP Lab.  It is worth it.