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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Collectible Occult Item: Black Magic Kit

Updated Title Change 6-2-2015

I finally have the Black Magic Ritual Kit in my possession.  This is extremely rare.  It was a real sorcery kit sold by the Avalon Hill game company years ago in the 1980's.   The game company was sold and most information about the kit was lost.  It had originally sold in the pages of Fate magazine.   The last of the kits are sold on Amazon now.  I got a used kit for less money.  I am thinking of working on a goetic black magic book and this kit should be good for my research.   This is a kit that is used for goetic evocation.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Some of my Favorite Authors are at your Local Library

Title Change 6-2-2015

Your heroes sometimes say a lot about who you are.  Many great occult leaders have been a big influence on my life.

I've been checking out some of the titles at my local library.  You never know what you will discover at your local library.  These two books above have impressed me.  I realize that I have a deep respect for both of these authors and their high positions in 2 occult organizations.   It has lead me to research of the O.T.O. and the Aurum Solis.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gray-Cobb's Daughter Canadian, Aye?

Update 11/19/2014

I was happy to hear that Vicki will be putting out her dad's published works soon.  I will be buying everything of his that I don't have in my collection.  I will certainly be adding another new copy of his book on Avatar Power.  One of his most rare or is it scare - his published work on astral travel will definitely be in my collection.  After you get to Vicki's site, you can join her blog and catch the latest in Facebook. 

I never could figure out why the Canadian's are always saying 'Aye' at the end of their sentences.  They are a great people with wonderful achievements.  I had read that Geof Gray-Cobb was a Canadian and travelled throughout the world.   There is another interesting Canadian occult writer: Donald Tyson who I will discuss later.  He has some great books out there to discuss.  If you are ever web surfing be sure to check on Gray-Cobb's daughter Vicki.  She doesn't have that spelling of her name on the website, but he mentions his daughter Vicki in his last book 'Twist of Fate' near Edmonton.  I wasn't always into psychics, because I was afraid of some fraudulent psychic making a fool of me and taking my hard earned money in the process.  However, I think differently about Vicki.  She runs a pretty good site and a great blog too.  Gray-Cobb was the real deal and I believe his daughter is too.   If I needed a psychic I'd probably go to her first. She is at

I was trying to work on a book deal with her.  Sorry to say the deal fell through. I wanted her to write an introduction and I would write the rest of the book.  I have most of the rituals ready to go already.   It was going to be called 'More Rituals From My Friend, Mr. Gray-Cobb".   I guess it was for the better.  I now have some other ideas since the deal has fallen apart.   Be sure to pay her site a visit and check out her blog.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Who Am I And Why I Am Not A Republican

Updated 1/9/13

Many who read my blog may assume certain things about myself.  I am not one to hurt an animal for ritual.  I am not a Satanist who might consider an animal sacrifice in order to conduct a ritual.  I don't feel right about that at all.  My wife and I share the house with cats and dogs.  Although my wife may love animals more than I, I've taken a liking to the animals around the house.  If you need blood for a ritual cut your own finger!

I have been a big fan of the 3 Stooges on television.  I also loved watching Seinfeld on TV; have also taken a liking to the Beavis and Butthead cartoon years ago.  Just like myself, these TV shows don't respect the status quo or authority.

Call me pagan, concerned about the environment, Democrat, but don't call me a Republican!  I have found that most Republicans share common ground that centers around a few issues:

1. A large part of Republicans are afraid of gun control.  They cite the importance of guns for hunting and being able to protect oneself.  Do you need a automatic repeating rifle to hunt deer?  You know these guys - they sit around the mall dressed in all black reading gun catalogs.  They've got to be a royal bore to their wives!   I'd say that the country has more to worry about gun toting Americans than the threat of radical Islamic groups!  The U.S. should wake up and smell the gun barrel.  You've got more problems worrying about your neighbors than Al Quiada (spelling?).  America is a violent, killing nation.   It won't pass any gun control anytime soon and the NRA has nothing to worry about.  God knows I sell more books on warfare in book auctions than anything else.  (I don't read the books, I just sell them.)
2.  A majority of Republicans feel we can stimulate the economy by only helping businesses and the rich class predominately through tax breaks.  For example, Michigan recently switched over to a right-to-work state.  How much more business can we get in this state considering we are the 23rd (or is it 24th state) to switch over to a right-to-work state?   It's not an original idea.  I'm wondering if the Governor has only set the state up so he can do more business in this state with his firm if he takes on the role of investment banker again in the future?   Nobody really comes up with any really great original ideas anymore.  Many states will just copy each other in their laws or policies.
3.  Many conservative Republicans believe the economic health of the economy will snap back to normal if we leave things alone.  Unfortunately, Russia and China are playing the same economic game where the US is not the only capitalist player in the world any longer.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Magic Assassin or Psychic Destroyer? Just Dwell On It!

Updated 12/22/12

"Dwell and you shall encounter"  -  Keep this phrase in mind as I discuss my latest post.  Also, remember this phrase:  "Life and death is in the power of the tongue."  These are some anomalies that I've encountered in my life.   There were 4 specific events that I've always wondered about.

One involved a teacher that embarrassed me in front of the class.  The teacher had asked for me to come to the front of the class when I was in elementary school. As I think about this incident, more details are coming back to me.  She asked the class what she had said.  Yes, I may have daydreamed and my mind was elsewhere.  Maybe, I wasn't paying attention. She embarrassed me in front of everyone.  I remember mentioning, "I HATE HER!".  The amount of energy I spent thinking how much I hated this woman made me wonder was it true black magic.  I spent a lot of time hating this woman and she died within a month.

The second event involved my grandfather dying leaving my brother and myself $6,000 each.   I had worked a magical ritual for money.   The money was actually willed to my mother and my parents split the amount equally for my brother and myself.   I had mentioned this in an earlier entry.

Thirdly, I remembered watching some televised broadcast of Oral Roberts back in 2009.   I didn't agree with this minister/evangelist.   I remember I focused on the thought that Mr. Roberts needed to be stopped.  I thought that the statements were not true and his communication needed to cease.   He died within 2 weeks.

On a fourth occasion, I was looking at Goetic spirits that could cause an earthquake.   The question I posed was, "How do I shake the east coast [of the U.S.]?"   I wanted to do a small test.   Within a week, the east coast shook!

The fifth event involved a tree in the backyard.  I was sure tired of picking up walnuts; my brother and I had the chore of picking up walnuts from the walnut tree.  Children rarely see the real value in some things.  I remember mentioning I hated that tree.  Picking up walnuts gave my hands a yellow stain I couldn't get rid for days.  The tree got hit by lightning.  I'm trying to remember if it stunted the growth and it didn't drop as many walnuts that year.

This is not made up.   Many of the events could be psychic signals that I get periodically.   I might ask a question like, "I wonder how long I have to go on these tires?"   It will just pop in my head.   After checking with a mechanic, I might find out I was driving with a nail in the tire.   Other times, I might sense I haven't gotten a catalog from a particular company.   In the next 2 days, I might receive that particular catalog in the mail.   I don't always get data about an event, but just something about the event pops in my head.   The first 2 events actually involved an action on my part.   The first involved an incredible amount of negative energy: hatred.   With the use of clairvoyance subliminal CD's, I may have opened some psychic doorway to sensing events before they happen.  The fifth event was just strange.


Monday, May 28, 2012

More Details About the Blog Evocation Magic

Updated Title 6-2-2015

In the past, I was banished from an occult forum called
The group no longer exists, but it gave me ideas about future blogs I might read/join.  The following shows what I was going through.  I could have stayed angry, but I have too many important things going on in my life: work, internet auctions, occult studies, etc.   Occult isn't a passing fancy.   I study this esoteric field almost daily.   I'd love to sit down in a cozy coffee shop with a strange book related to metaphysics.  In that occult forum, I went by the same forum name as in this blog: Nectanebus2013.   I have been a member of this group for sometime.   I have no idea why I was banished.  I just suspect a few possibilities.  Admins and Mods never sent me an email in the group.  I posted a new Avatar Power ritual that may have been too racy for the forum.  It involved attracting lust and desire.  I think the forum sits in Great Britain and they may had different rules there.   It may be that  they had rules that did not allow one to run links to another website. 

I had discussed the Genii before (as member Nectanebus3), but I'm not sure what caused the page to be removed.  Instead of reviewing blogs that kick people out, I want to remain more positive.   I was going to list more rituals just like the one using New Avatar Power, but I don't have to hold up to my promise to the group.  Besides, they kicked me out.   I wanted to promise the group I'd post more Genii rituals, but is anyone really interested?  I can tell no one is really interested to email me for more Gray-Cobb rituals, but they come here because I'm discussing that British blog.  I can tell by the number of hits this entry is getting.    I've decided to self publish a small miniature book of Gray-Cobb's rituals off this blog!  I might be able to use Google's Adsense program.  Details to follow!

The whole experience taught me a few things.  The Evocation magic blog broke laws.  Their mods didn't catch the abuse of copyright.  Members were just copying and posting material from books.  A few of the mods in control were using the blog for their power issues and wanted the newbies to be impressed with their knowledge.   Mods tried to boast to people with what they knew but never really taught much of anything.  The rest of the blog was filled with comments of those that were fond of the wit of the members.   I go to a blog to learn interesting information.  Evocation gave me very little original creative content.  

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Get Your Instructions As If Geof Gray-Cobb was Still Alive


Good news.  I've recovered the cached image of that Google page from the website.  Be sure to see the new entry on this blog titled "My Experience".

The good news is that those who decipher a puzzle will be able to see the entire ritual.  It won't be on this blog.  It may force me to change the status of this blog to adult only with the nature of the ritual.

Here are the clues:
1. What was Geof Gray-Cobb's pen name for one of his books?
2.  After you found this book which he wrote under a pen name, what is the second word after "The" in the title?
3.  Now, place the word from 2. (above)  before his pen name (2 words to his pen name).  After the pen name there is a period followed by a community domain site.  The last hint is that this domain is the something that gives a camera stability in taking pictures.

So, an example of putting this together might look like:      that's not the site, but just an example.  You have to figure out the puzzle to find the hidden ritual.  Good luck.  The website is now published.

I am behind in getting my second book published.  After it's publication, I will address my thoughts on how the Hebrew words should be pronounced for the rituals.  This blog will also cover my experimenting with the rituals and the successes that I achieve.  I will be looking for feedback from anyone that has tried the book.  I am looking at publication for about December 2014.  I'm probably going to be able to write and publish one book a year.

As I had promised those at the Evocation Magic blog across the ocean, here is a brand new ritual for those who have dabbled with New Avatar Power.  I have studied Cobb and his writings.  I consider myself his apprentice.   He left several Genii out of books.   


                                   INVOCATION FOR GAMBLING

   I call on Thee, Aclahayr (see 1), who has the power to bring winnings to those in
gambling.  I request Thee to be my mentor next to me and guide me to win at the game of
chance of my choosing.
   I command Thee Genius.  Be Thou ruled by me in the Name El (see 2).   So mote it be.

(1)  Pronounced ACK-LAH-HAY-R
(2)  Pronounced like saying the letter 'L'

Someone recently commented: "... why did the evocationmagic people feel the need to take this down from their website because I thought that they like you were big fans of geof gray-cobb?"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Timetable 2012-2013

NEW 8/28/12

This is going to be an exciting year as I rapidly try to hit my deadlines for this blog.   I aim to finish this thing as I need to commit to the publication of my 2 books.   Look what's coming up:

May 30, 2012:  Publication of new rituals using Genii.   For those familiar with Geof Gray-Cobb, these rituals will use Genii similar to what he used in New Avatar Power.   Scratch this.   It was a side track and takes me off course.  It doesn't relate to my goals: overhaul Avatar Power with my own published book and the goals listed below.

Summer 2012:   Working on an interview with someone involved with the occult in solving a perplexing national problem which I hope to post.  Even though I wanted to prove psychics could solve something major besides crime solving (as seen on TV), it was hard to find a psychic who was sensitive toward remote objects.   Most psychics seem to have vague, general information and it doesn't always prove or solve something.  
Fall 2012:  I post details of how you can create a ritual on your own.   Pursuing the Ritual of the Nonself.   This is a ritual to become another person.  
Two weeks prior to 12-21-12:   I will have available a ritual R.O.T.O.K.O.G.A.E.  (Ritual of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil)   Those that email me in November will have their own copy along with a question about how they would improve the ritual.   If successful a flood of knowledge will come into the mind of the operator of this ritual.
March 2013:   We will be working to bring forth Poseidon in a massive world experiment.   A ritual will be posted to this site and I will try to get the participation of many pagans, and occult web site authors to call forth Poseidon.   He will be asked to shake the waters surrounding his ancient port city.   Timing is important as it needs to be the month that he is the strongest.   

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How Not To Start a Secret Society and How I Almost Did

Updated 3/22/12 - Still under construction.

Some time ago, I got an idea to put together a group of people that believed as I do.   It would start with my blog.  My blog readers would be given information about how to do it yourself, but given a theory of what's possible.  The final chapters would be given to those that gave their email address to receive those chapters.  That group would be known as the followers of Nectanebus.  That email group would be given the opportunity to travel to Michigan to converse with the author (founder) of a special spiritual group called the Alchemists of the Invisible Grove.  They were going to be recipients of the information about prayers to the Forces.  That never happened, because the blog has that information already.   Anyway, the 'Alchemists' formerly mentioned would be given the key book I use to work the ancient mysteries.   Tests would be given to the candidates for entry to the Secret Council in order to keep those with a profane nature out.   Those specially selected were to work with me using that ancient mysteries book.

I felt that I wasn't in favor of maintaining an 'Order' or a 'Society'.  With the different personality types, I like to control who is in my inner circle.  Also, there was some legal aspects to consider.   Most of the U.S. is so controlled by laws; the only profession that really survives here is the legal or medical careers.   The U.S. chokes under it's own weight of laws it must enforce.   I decided I only wanted to fill the role as book author.  I will go into more detail about my ideas for a secret society later.