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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Occult From China Helps Us To Know What To Do

Updated 2/27/13 (Formerly Intuition, My Techniques to Know the Unkowable)

I learned about the I Ching oracle at an early age when I was in my 20's.  Lots of books are out there on the internet about the subject.  I don't use the tarot exept for meditation purposes.   The I Ching is great at helping one to make a decision as to what to do.  Many of us come to a fork in the road of life and can't make a decision as to the best way to go.  The I Ching is a great oracle to help with decision making.  Ultimately, we still make the final choice as to what move to make.  The I Ching can't help one to see what we might have missed in evaluating the choices.   I have used the 2 books above and they are excellent.  I Ching has been found under the subject of the occult, but it is actually a philosophy.  This philosophy can be a way of life.   I might review Taoism in the near future.

In time, the oracles can help us with developing our intuition.  If you have used a pendulum for your decision making it may help you in getting hunches about your paths to take.   I won't cover pendulums here.   Just search on the words "pendulum" and "divination" in your Google search engine to read up on that method.  Let's get back to intuition.  You can check your intuition on a daily basis by getting a deck of playing cards.  One by one, try to guess what suit is the next card in the deck to be drawn.  If you find that you're able to successfully guess more than 25% of the cards your intuition is riding "high".   That would be a good day to pick to trust your gut feelings for gambling, or to make an important decision.  Always use your rational logic first to make a decision, but if logic leaves several choices go with your gut instinct.  It might be the best way to go.   I hope to cover more oracles in my published books.

Beginner is All About Practice, Practice, Practice!

Updated 11/19/2014

I got to thinking about the beginners with interest in the occult.  The beginner needs the right instruction - in either the form of books, journals or on-line blogs.  Hopefully, this blog can show the beginner the right types of books to purchase or secure from a library to learn the field.  The intermediate person, who has studied more, needs to perform the right actions in order to accomplish goals.  Studying isn’t as important as applying the knowledge to real life.   Lastly, the master should be applying the right thinking so as to design rituals himself or herself to train others with his/her knowledge.   Many beginners can benefit from the right teacher.   Everyone is different.  I do believe that students benefit from a teacher that is similar to their thought processes.   Teachers, with a birth sign of Scorpio, may get the message out more efficiently to those students who are also under the sign of Scorpio.  I have a different sign than my wife and I can see our differences in our thinking.
I meant to make this entry in an earlier part of this blog.  I have always debated on the best way to get better in my exercises.  Practice exercises are boring and slow going; I am not one to stick with things too long.  I think it is best to stick with practice by doing.   Instead of sticking to exercises to improve visualization use real images for your goal in mind.  That will make it fun and a person will stick with the exercises longer.  Make it a practice, but also make it a real exercise.   I noticed I always could stick with my real magical Avatar Power rituals years ago.  My procrastination was committing to a practice of daily visualization.  Now, when I can't sleep I use this as time to practice visualization even if it is at  3 AM.  It is up to you to find what really works for you.   I use a lot of hindsight these days and admit I wish I had better powers of visualization. Start today to practice something!  If you can start working with Tarot cards, magic, or exercising with Astral Projection - do it.  It comes with a commitment to start.  Don't plan too much each day.  If it is too overwhelming you won't start an exercise.  I have started thinking that I might be able to deal with my own procrastination with some magical work.   When I started I worked with Shakti Gawain's book on visualization, and Silva Mind Control.  Later I started with the I Ching to practice divination.  Whatever you can start today and if you stay interested you can stick with it.  Make it fun.

For example, if you have an interest in the I Ching for divination do it.  Just like an hobby don't burn yourself out.  Do a little bit each day.  Read the books about it, explore the internet for the subject and practice the I Ching.  Find out what you should or shouldn't be doing in life.  Even if you don't completely believe in it, it can steer you in a different path in life.  Many of us have made the wrong decisions in life and this can be a fresh new start.  If you are into visualization and can't make time for it - don't do it.  If you have an interest in magic try out a magical system such as Wicca and work your visualization as part of the Wicca rituals.  You may find you keep up a habit of performing the rituals, also increasing your powers of visualization at the same time as well as accomplishing your goals.

I started with Silva Mind Control and found a real interest in the power of the mind.  Later, I joined a philosophical organization that taught me more about the powers of mind and telepathy.   Now, I design my own experiments of mind control - cloud busting.  I try to use mind control to break clouds up in the sky when the opportunity presents itself.  As a security officer, I can spend large amounts of time looking out entrance doors with nothing to do.  I can use this new exercise to increase my mental mind power. 

My Favorite Authors - the Excellent 11

New! Updated 2/25/2012:

The Excellent 11.  My magical hat goes off to the absolute greatest of occult authors and teams of authors.  They taught me a lot of occult concepts.  These books are by far the greatest that I have encountered in my 30+ years of research.  The following list is not in order of importance, but rather alphabetical by author/team, and the book that is one of the greatest by the author/team.

1.Ted Andrews:  Simplified Qabala Magic

2.Geof Gray-Cobb, Maiya Gray-Cobb: Miracle of New Avatar Power, Twist Your Fate, The Mystic Grimoire of Mighty Spells and Rituals (under his anonymous name Frater Malak), Secrets from Beyond the Pyramids, Acupinelogy, Angels - The Guardians of Your Destiny

3.David Conway:  Complete Magic Primer

4.Patrick Dunn:  Postmodern Magic: The Art of Magic in the Information Age

5.Nick Farrell:  Making Talismans: Living Entities of Power

6.Gavin Frost, Yvonne Frost:  The Witch's Book of Magical Ritual, the Witch's Magical Handbook, Power Secrets From a Sorcerer's Private Magnum Arcanum

7.David Godwin:  Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia

8.Francis King, Stephen Skinner:  Techniques of High Magic: A Handbook of Divination, Alchemy, and the Evocation of Spirits

9.Israel Regardie (and Marc Allen):   The Art of True Healing

10.Donald Tyson:  The Magician's Workbook: Practicing the Rituals of the Western Tradition

11.Frater U.D.:  High Magic: Theory & Practice

If you are out to purchase any of these be sure to check all the possibilities.  Check on-line with all the bookstores because there may be an ebook for less price if you have a digital reader.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

2013, the G Project Proposal and Earthquake Speculations

Updated 11/17/12


 This was going to be my final chapter in this blog. All my information that I have said in previous chapters would make one ask one hard question: What isn't possible using occult or new age work? At the beginning of the blog, I mentioned my love of the movie, Clash of the Titans. After reading this blog, many eyes will open wide in surprise to consider that statue animation might really be possible. My thoughts about a supreme deity setting the earth in motion and then stepping back has always been my view on God. I've built up additional ideas after considering Deism.  When it comes to miracles neither a Christian God nor an Islamic God seem to produce any wonder-working miracles. What if we could construct a mighty statue of Zeus and let him live again as he had in the time of the Greeks? Would he bring forth miracles? I put this to the world to consider. Let's bring the Greek Gods back to life. Thus, this leads to the G Project Proposal: A massive worldwide experiment. On a specific day, at a specific time, those adept in the occult arts will perform a massive worldwide ritual to invoke one of the Greek Gods.

First, let me give you some background about my early years.   and early years. I have always been a person interested in science since I was a teenager. I seem to pick up data I've learned and think about new things. I always had subscriptions to Popular Science, and Popular Mechanics growing up. Later, I would turn into an avid newspaper reader of USA Today. I was a news junkie. When my buddy served in the Air Force years ago I knew our U.S. rifles were jamming in the military. My buddy asked how I knew that. I stated it was public knowledge and had read it in a magazine. Later, some of the magazines speculated on the movement of Area 54 (an area that the U.S. government denies so people can't sue them in court) to another base in an area surrounded by mountains. With the media, the secret is that there are really no secrets any longer. Recent shows on the Discovery Channel lead me to look into red mercury known in alchemy that was being researched by Nazi scientists. It was another speculation that some of these scientists had come to the U.S. during wartime. Were these latest discoveries being used at the heart of Area 54? Who knows. Later, there was an article in the news about something being pumped back into a mine that caused an earthquake in central U.S. An accident becoming public knowledge in the news. This lead me to speculate that the Chinese were testing the pumping of substances into mines that may have caused the greatest earthquakes off the coast of Japan and India. Some of you may say hogwash, but I think big until I can prove otherwise. It is something to speculate. Maybe, I'm highly creative.

Now, back to my mass experiment. I will be looking to test Poseidon or Neptune (the Gods, not the planets) for the purpose of bringing on an earthquake as a world test. The test should take place during the time of Pisces when Poseidon will be the strongest. I'm looking to conduct the test in 2013. The test region should be an area that does not experience earthquakes. I want to consult several magicians and sorcerers to see what they think of the test. I am willing to revise the test if necessary. I am not looking for destruction, but rather a mild tremor to indicate success.  In this world of technology, man worships Jehovah or Allah.  These Gods appear to not exist.  Only zealous believers remain vigilant in wanting to convert others over to their religion.  I only aim to bring forth one of the Roman/Greek gods so that their effects can be seen with real results. There was a time when man worshiped Zeus or Poseidon.  Maybe, we can have those Greek gods come alive again.  Man spends so much time being idle because he is out of work. Our government and our economics don't seem to work any longer. Let's bring back idol worship, let the world see the power of the Roman/Greek gods again and possibly, the world will then be a better place.

Pathway Of The Lodge Member

Updated 4/17/14

I've read a lot of information about Freemasonry and I continue to delve into it more.  I don't actively sell much in auction anymore, but I scout around for used books in local thrift stores.  I've collected quite a few occult books over all my years.  Many of these books have become a foundation into Freemasonry's secrets.  I've tried to ask myself what is Freemasonry all about?  How is it different from all the other occult books out on the market?   I have found several secrets and am in the process of writing a fictional story about the organization.  It has been challenging and rewarding to figure out their puzzle.

Pathway of the Christian

Minor grammar corrections  4/17/14

I guess you could say that this blog entry is about seeing things through the eyes of a Christian.  I capitalize the 'C' out of respect for Jesus Christ.  I would say that Christians know the names of God, but a majority of them don't know how to use them.   Freemasons would be the opposite - they know what they could use the names for, but don't know the names.  Actually, I would say Freemasons don't know where to look for the name.   Most of all compiled Christian knowledge comes from the popular book - the Bible.   Take some time to do a little research in the old testament where God shows his people how to pray.  The King James version refers to 'Yahweh' as being the name of God.  I would say that his name is pronounced "YAH WAY" as I recalled hearing it in church.  When you find that prayer it is worded like, "May Yahweh do this... and may Yahweh do that..." with 'this' and 'that' meaning various things you are praying for.  After the world fell into sin, God had right to be here.  You have to bring him in with an affirmation.  That affirmation is 'May' and it allows Him into the world to take some kind of action.  A lot of Christians don't know this.

The new testament is different because changes occurred after Christ died.  There was a new method to prayer.  Prayer no longer referred to the old 'Yahweh', but now took into account a trinity concept with respect to God.  Search for the verses.  I think it is in one of the first 4 books of the new testament.  One had to start to pray by calling out to the Father, but the tail end of the prayer would state ' Jesus Christ'.   Many churches don't grasp this concept.  Prayer is now a 2-part process.

Tithing is also another concept from church.  I should be covering this topic in another blog entry.   

U.S. Supports Pharmaceutical Industry Which Advocates Allopathy

Updated Title 6-2-2015

Something I've discovered about illness. It tends to strike at the same time every year. This is my personal opinion as the FDA is a 'meanie' and will prosecute false claims.  I have been subject to some of the most unusual illnesses that have plagued any one person. I don't get migraines - thank goodness. I've had a lot of other things. Sinus infections, kidney stones, Bell's Palsy, high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, ear infections, vertigo, and acid reflux among others. Most of these ailments had come on at a particular time of year. Year after year, my sinus infections come on at very specific time. Now, while others may say it is an environmental illness I'm prone to lean toward an astrological reason. AGAIN, THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION.  If you take time to look at herbs, specifically within all the books on witchcraft you can see what I'm talking about.  PLEASE NOTE: DUE TO STRINGENT LAWS IN THE U.S. I AM NOT MAKING ANY CLAIMS TO HEALTH CURES.  I WILL ONLY EXAMINE THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN THE U.S.   YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN MIND UP ON THESE ISSUES.   ALWAYS CONSULT WITH A DOCTOR FOR ANY HEALTH ISSUES YOU MAY HAVE.   Some explanation is in order here.   If you look at U.S. history you will find that the country had a different way of taking care of health issues in the past - homeopathy.  Somewhere along the line, the FDA gained power over the years as it administers what it sees as the cure-all for the world.   Allopathy is what insurance pays for in this country.   Basically, the pharmaceutical industry reins supreme in the U.S.  The FDA is stocked with a group of pharmaceutical doctors that decide things.  They were there to protect Americans from medical 'quacks' and false claims.  However, you might be destined to take drugs for years because allopathy can't always cure your illness.  The FDA would say they protect you by testing drugs in clinical trials and will state that they effective.  If they are wrong they allow the victims to only sue the company for damages.  Homeopathy, and herbs are only permitted or allowed at this point generally with no medical insurance coverage coming from U.S. medical insurers.

It might take awhile for me to drive home my point.   Many in the U.S. feel we have lots of freedoms.   Freedom is really an imagined quality.   For instance, many military personnel are told to keep quiet about things so as not to cause controversy.   Soldiers are expected to keep any opinions to themselves.  Bad rumors might make the armed forces look bad.   It is a different ideology in there. Sometimes, our freedoms in this country are but an illusion.


Accept No Substitutes, This Is The Real Name of God

Updated 3/23/13

Recent works by the authors Greg Braden and Jonathan Goldman are must reads. Jonathan Goldman's book, The Divine Name, is a must have in anyone's library. Goldman's concept is something as plain as the nose on our faces. Could God's name be just 4 few sounds? His forward plugs for Greg Braden's book, the God Code. Braden's theory is that God's name is written in our DNA. I liked Goldman's book. I even tried his sample CD and the sound of God is on it. I listened and I can say it was better than champagne! It kind of made me happy and I forgot my cares. It put me in an altered state very quickly.  It was kind of spiritual ecstasy, joy or contentment. I couldn't put my finger on it. I don't suggest listening to it in moving vehicle as it can put you in a trance. Both authors are missing something.

I did contact Goldman in regards to something I've discovered inside Freemasonry that might hint at how the sound should be produced. Freemasons are searching for the real name of God. I am not a Freemason and not under oath.  This sound represented by the letters YHVH or the Tetragrammaton might have been discovered by Goldman.

I asked Goldman to join all 4 sounds in unison because of some ritual I saw in a book on Freemasonry.   I told him the sounds needed to performed in parallel not serial (whereas one sound follows another).   I think this would result in a more powerful effect.  It may even help to make rituals of ceremonial magic more powerful.

    ....more information to follow...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is It Real Occult Writings Or Cryptography?

April 3, 2018

Do talismans hold secret messages and aren't really meant to control demons?   Is the Voynich Manuscript just a pile of random crap that Dee and Kelley sold to someone for money?   Is it some private message that holds the secret of the crown of England?   Who knows but we can speculate about it.

When I was young I took a liking to a book about codes and ciphers at the library.  I believe the book was called the First Book of Codes and Ciphers.  I got a couple of more books from the scholastic line in relation to codes and ciphers.    It was kind of an interest or hobby that stuck with me.   Over the years, I've collected codes from all kinds of books.  Freemasonry, Rosicrucian and other codes have been a pastime.   As a previous computer operator, I had the boring job of tape backups for a major U.S. manufacturer.  I used to create codes on a daily basis just for my amusement.  I felt one could construct cryptography from calculus, differential equations, imaginary numbers, geometry or statistics. At that time, I was trying to figure out a way to write several layers of messages on top of each other.  I was working on 3 layers.   Could it be done?   I felt my greatest achievement was the 1/100 code as I called it.  Splices of messages could be sent through the internet, emails and the old mail system (snail mail) containing just ones and zeros.  If all the splices were intercepted the ones would have to be added that were in the same position on all sheets.   For example, say, there were 100 splices (pages) of the message all sent through different mediums and all were intercepted to find 65 sheets had the number one on them and the rest of the sheets had zeroes in that same position it would denote the letter 'A' according to American Standard Code (or ASCII).  The trick to the code was to find the entire message!  Later in 2005, I took an obsession to the Voynich Manuscript.  I consider it one of John Dee's finest scripts.  You can check the blogs and forums on line, but no one has really mentioned that the cryptography seems to have some close cousins found in the code in the book, Hidden Codes & Grand Designs by Pierre Berloquin.   I've found it similar to the cipher found in the Mary Queen of Scotts.   It is almost a sure sign it comes from the same period of time.  There is a similarity to the Duke of Montmorency code as well.  Close examination shows the number characters 4, 8 and 9 are used in all 3 sets of codes.  I lost most of the fascination for the Voynich Manuscript as I examined the Enochian language more closely.   The Voynich Manuscript secret is probably known by British intelligence.  After all, Dee worked for the queen.   Just like the Kryptos Sculpture is known by the U.S., Voynich should be no secret to England.

I've used several sources to come to some conclusions about cryptography.  Cracking Codes & Cryptograms for Dummies, The Friar and the Cipher, A Curious History of Mathematics by Joel Levy and Hidden Codes & Grand Designs are just come of my references.  French Masonic ciphers of 31st degree of the Scottish Rite and those Rose Croix to Old Arabic numerals seem to also make up the Voynich Manuscript.  I've researched quite a bit on the subject.

While some may argue that codes are either just substitutions or realigning the order of the characters it is really summed up in the book The Friar and the Cipher.  I like to summarize, what I feel to be the ideas of hiding a message - I've gone beyond what Roger Bacon has stated:
1. Use other character or symbols
2, Riddles
3. Incorporate inside a mass symbol or artwork (like talismans)
4. Reduction (like removing the vowels, for example)
5. Gain characters (by adding nulls that don't relate to the message)
6. Contraction (using a mathematical process to reduce the message much like computers use compression to save memory today)
7. Expansion (mathematical process to increase the characters of the message)
8. Like John Dee's 'Holy Table' containing  special characters with examples of the same characters written slightly different.  (Many of the same characters may represent multiple letters)
9. New special letters with special qualities that may represent a complete different language
10. Codes where the characters or symbols have no meaning but mean something with respect to the position they are in relation to a specific point on the paper
11. Codes that resist frequency analysis (such as Russian one time pads)
12. Codes where the message might not be complete (like a 1/100 code with multiple splices)
13. Steganographia by Johannes Trithemius also covers the rest of steganography or hiding messages in plain sight.
There may be more and this is my own category list.

In the Dummies book, Masonic ciphers are listed as well as ideas about how to solve them.  Some may be based on other languages.  If the message is written in old English, middle English, or English written with Hebrew letters adds to the complexity of breaking the code.  Do some reading on the web and you will find the Russian one-time pad as perfectly unbreakable if you follow the rules.  If you use a computer to generate random numbers it may be breakable by the top code breakers of the country. They probably are aware of random number generators of most computers.  If you are generating your own one-time code numbers you can mix a few of your own favorite numbers in with a set of computer generated and this will keep the top code breakers stumped.  I'd never use PGE by some software companies to hide a message; most software companies probably give the government a back door to their software.  There really is no privacy unless you take privacy into your own hands.  Snowden's disclosure has made a lot of people on edge about the U.S. government's secret spying on its citizens.  Most recently, I came to the conclusion that it could be a cipher from a high ranking Mason, it is related to the Mary Queen of Scotts or it is related to the language of the Kaballah.

On a more recent note, I had been reading something in one of the library books on remote viewing.   I wasn't aware that British intelligence had been infiltrated by the Soviets during the cold-war era.   Just after I had become aware of that fact I had found something interesting at the Michigan Library and Historical Center located in Lansing, MI in the U.S.  On the fourth floor of the library, the periodical and U.S. documents are found.  A variety of old periodicals are located there.  Some of these old periodicals now have their bindings breaking down and falling apart.   I don't know a lot about the book binding process, but I noticed from the shelves that the 1800's book cases that held magazines and journals had spines that were made using old newspaper.   What caught my eye was volume #33 and #34 of Northern British Review.   The broken spines of these indexes reveal a Russian newspaper!  (See my photo above.)  It makes me wonder if the Soviet double agent, during the cold-war, had been involved with the publishing of volumes of this journal which could have gotten back to Moscow without detection!  My method of the 1/100 code seems to show that the Russians could have had the newspaper print as some kind of key and they may have sent their other codes through radio transmission or mail systems.  It could have been a 1/3 code.  You could then add letters up to make up your intended message.  It's all speculation, but it makes a great story to think about.  Research the web to find ASCII equivalent of the Russian 'A' is 192.  Think about it.  Makes the spy history books a little more exciting to read...better than a James Bond movie.

Codes are essentially a disappointment.  They may mean that talismans are real if they really contain just a hidden message.   Maybe, the Voynich Manuscript is a phony of random codes.   Our true job, as occultists, is to find the true meaning and workings of occult science.   We have to separate the myth from reality.   By testing and experimenting, we can come to some conclusions how things really work.  By testing and experimenting...isn't that how your grandmother figured out how to make the best scalloped potatoes?

I Don't Dream Of This Genie And Ghost Hunting

Updated 3/22/12

  The book The Vengeful Djinn by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Philip J. Imbrogno caught my eye at my local bookstore lately. Djinn may be a form of Genii. I encountered Genii spirits after researching Geof Gray-Cobb's book about Avatar Power. Just do a search of Jazar to find its origins. Cobb uses Genii in this book. I don't like to mix different spirits from different traditions like Cobb has done. Djinn however, don't seem to be anything like the character portrayed by Barbara Eden in that 60's sitcom. Guiley and Imbrogno produce a great read. Supposedly, the military have taken an interest in these beings. The book gives the secret about a metal that controls or dissipates the beings. So, if you work with Gods from the planet of Mars all the Djinn go running. The book takes a practical approach that might interest the ghost hunter. I had looked at ghost hunting as a possible business to start in my city. I just didn't think there was enough customers here to make the business thrive. I have gotten some information about on the practical side of ghosts. Our beloved dog had passed and I was attempting to take a photograph the ghost that seemed to still be in our house. Our other pets would stare into the pet bed where she used to lay weeks after she passed. I believed the ghost was still among us. Nothing turned up on digital pictures no matter how I tweaked the pictures. I did find that ghosts like an atmosphere opposite to what negative ion generators produce. In other words, ghosts like positive ions. Large amounts of iron are also a deterrent of spiritual beings. Books of witchcraft discuss the use of iron nails for psychic protection used around the body or on property.