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Friday, August 19, 2011

New Ways to See Old Mysteries

As of 2/25/12, this blog is open again.   I have some personal issues that I will have to deal with, but I vow to finish this blog for my readers.

Basic Concept: The ancient Egyptians and their magic have been considered as one of the most powerful groups of people on Earth. Tales of their magical powers are hinted at in many books. If one believes the Biblical story of Moses working against Egypt to free the Israelis to be a true one then Egyptian priests were a formidable foe. A lot of Egypt's magical knowledge is lost, but there are hints as to what they did. There are many books today that reveal more about the Egyptian priests.

Books to Consider: The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt, Egyptian Paganism

My Story: I have read a lot of books about Egyptian magic and history. However, the 2 best books would have to be the 2 listed above. In the first book mentioned, I noted that there were 5 elements invoked and not just the air-earth-fire-water. The second book mentions the "Zep Tepi" event. This event was kind of a belief in a myth. These books gave me an idea about how a true Egyptian initiation must have went. I have gotten some idea about how Freemasonry can be rewritten in regard to this new understanding about Egyptian religion and magic. In my research, I looked into the Ennead and Ogdoad. The Greeks modified many of the Egyptian concepts and may have passed many off as their own. The Greeks hint at what the Egyptians were all about.

Concluding Ideas:

In Search of Pea Salad, Coincidence and Connection Between Mind and Our World

Updated 6-2-2015

A number of books have come out in the last few years on law of attraction. For example: Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Not Manifesting? This Book is For You! by Kathleen Mackenzie, Born to Manifest: Law of Attraction Tools and Techniques by Thomas Michael Murasso, The Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't by Michael Losier, The Complete IDIOT'S Guide to the Law of Attraction by Diane Ahlquist, The Law of Attraction and Other Secrets of Visualization by Dr Laurel Clark, The Everythng Law of Attraction Book: Harness the Power of Positive Thinking and Transform Your Life by Meera Lester. All those books are in my personal library and I felt they were good enough to add to my collection. Those books are a good start to understanding this spiritual law.

These books help me to remember weird events that took place in my life as well and understanding why they happened. Let me give you an example. I love pea salad. The only problem is that my wife never seems to make it enough. One day I happened to be thinking about it at work. I must have been really bored to have the time to think about this wonderful dish. I had thought about it over a few days and my wife mentioned she was thinking about making it again. I had not even discussed my ideas with my wife. Some of you may be thinking that some married couples share a mind control where they tend to think about the same things. Maybe so, but I'm kinding of thinking this has something to do with the law of attraction.

On another occaision, I tried finding one of my favorite nutrional books called the 'Vitamin Bible'. I searched over and over. I couldn't find it. A week went by and I never stopped looking. My wife mentioned that she wanted to visit a friend at the other side of the state and wished that I would accompany her on the trip. I agreed, but was surprised to find that my wife's friend had the same book on her shelf in her living room. I happened to look right at the shelf upon entering her friend's living room. Some of you may be saying coincidence.

On another day, I was at work and happened to notice the last name of an individual that seemed to stick out in my mind. I came across the name 'McMaster'. It kind of sounded cool. It was almost as though the name meant something to me years ago. I kept toying with it in my mind. On the drive home, I came across the name again on a sign on the side of a truck. The name was used in the name of a business. Some will say another coincidence.

At this stage, I am not sold on coincidences anymore. Everything does happen for a reason. Everything we focus or dwell on eventually comes out in the world in some way. You might know some coincidences like that in your own life. What's the old Biblical saying? "Seek and ye shall find..." I've experienced this phenomenon more than once.

Spiritual Force Energy: Just Pretend, Pray to the Spirits and They Perform Tasks

Updated 6-2-2015

I have studied many types of magic. I had come up with my own system of magic and had developed my own magic called the "Forces".  Using the process of prayer from the Bible I had created a prayer to those spirits I referred to as the "Forces".  One can view these spirits as part of God.

In the past, I have studied books from the Al Manning.   Manning ran the ESP Lab of Texas.  I believe it is now run by his son in Colorado.   I had also devoted time to a book called, How to Use Astral Power: Key to a Miraculous New Life.    I combined both to create my hybrid system.   I utilized the concept of prayer from the Bible to create my system.

I found that by practicing New Avatar Power and learning other forms of magic I had a real interest in this sort of thing.  I bought occult book after occult book soaking up information like a sponge soaks up water.  I wanted to learn as many of the secrets as I could.  I wasn't a fan of all Manning's magic, but his book on Gnostic Magic shed some light on how to give up things to get other things. It was kind of like sacrifice or trading things with the spiritual world.  Manning believed one should have fun with the spirit world. The other author, Reginald De Koven MacNitt, was a U of M professor who wrote about Astral Power was a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan. His form of magic was similar to prayers. Spirits would then intervene after we called or prayed to them. I probably used more these author's philosophies than anything else to develop my own magic. I was to the point that I could write my own rituals.

To be successful, you have to suspend your judgement.  Just pretend something is there just like a child pretends to have an imaginary playmate.  We all used that imagination at an early age, but now we forget.  Practice again.

Let's get started on this journey together...

Evocation and Raising of Spirits Out of the Ground

Updated Title Change 6-2-2015

Basic Concept: Evocation in its basic form is bringing forth a spirit or spirits to physical appearance by magic in order to ask questions or perform tasks. In some circles, this is called goetic magic.  It is a common belief that once a magician has found the power to fully control spirits it is assumed he/she can have anything he/she desires. This magic is also extremely dangerous and not meant for the beginner. Only one who has been working with magic for awhile should attempt evocation. This is one idea I should be delving more into in an upcoming book to be released in 2011 or 2012. I hope to release a more pure form of invocations and evocations than what is available in print today.

Books to Consider:
Ceremonial Magic & the Power of Evocation by Joseph C Lisiewski is one of the better books out there. Lisiewski has good insights about the dangers of this kind of magic. I believe he has felt the effects of this magic personally. High Magic by Frater M (check author spelling) has done his homework too. He covers a lot on the topic.
Familiar Spirits is
The Truth about the Evocation of Spirits
Power Secrets from a Sorceror's Private Magnum Arcanum by Gavin and Yvonne Frost
The book by Steve Savedow was quite a story. Savedow blows out electrical system in the house when he calls up the spirits. He talks about the dangers and pitfalls also, but does not seem to have succeeded in what he aimed to do.
by Steve Savedow

My Story: I haven't done a lot with evocation personally. It is more dangerous than invocation. Invocation is a safer drawing in a "God-like" being whereas evocation is typically calling lower grade spirits into a space. Evocation usually involves a spirit that might be hard to handle.

The 3 books above involve evocation and are a lot harder to master.

My Dealing with the Devil

Updated Title Change 6-2-2015

The Concept: There are stories that float around that make us aware that it might be possible to sell one's soul to the Devil for a large sum of money. You don't have to go that far, but you can make small deals all the time to pull things in your favor.

This one isn't in any of the books and I found this out by experimenting. Some people think that in order to make a deal with the devil you have to sell your soul. It's kind of like the old Faust story where the poor fool has the Devil collect his soul on a specific night. No, that is simply not the case. If you are in trouble with a large financial obligation or a legal judgement has brought against you make use of the following ritual. Some people can't get God to answer prayer, but they can get Satan to work because most people are afraid of him. Fear is like negative faith. If you have a large need you just have to come up with something you can give up in exchange for the favor that Satan will grant you. Maybe you can promise to stop giving money to the church or going to church all together. Make it something worthwhile, but something you can commit to. Don't try to trick the Devil with giving up chocolate bars. It is has to be something major that you can give up. Remember, a deal is a deal so don't try to go back on your obligation. Of course, if he doesn't fulfill what you wish you are under no obligation to keep your end of the bargain. Let's get the props ready...

The top of some bedroom furniture makes an ideal altar. You can use an old dresser. Clear the dresser of any normal everyday items such as pictures, personal items, or receipts. Place a dark cloth down or if none is available don't bother. Obtain two black candles or red candles with some holders. Don't spend a lot, but if you are missing some good candle holders take a trip to the dollar store. Fill your altar with other occult items such as a deck of tarot cards, a magic mirror or a crystal ball. These aren't really necessary, but only help to establish the atmosphere. It's important that you feel the atmosphere is right. If there is something you feel is not quite right take some time to fix it. For example, if you think a crystal ball will really help go out to your local new age store to buy one. Occult supply kits are usually found at major booksellers in your area as well.

If you feel that jeans and T-shirt are less than serious try wearing your robe or some dark sweats during the ritual. Before the ritual, be sure you are alone in your apartment or house. At the very least ensure that won't be heard. If anyone hears about what you are doing they may think you are wrong about doing this, they may be afraid of you or they might just think you are crazy! Don't tell anyone you are doing a ritual. Light the candles and concentrate on what you want. Look into the candle flame and pretend the Devil can hear you (he actually does listen whether one believes he is there or not!) Address both "Moloch and Satan" as though you were speaking to 2 people in the room that go by those names. Do not call out the name "Devil" as this is a general name and is not specific as to who you are calling out to. Moloch is like saying "Mall-eck." Both demons are of the same corresponding influence and will work together. Speak out loud about what your problem is and ask him what you want him to do. Tell both of them what you are going to give up in return if you grant him your favor. Repeat your need and what you will give up at least 2 more times. Plea with them and ask them that they grant you this favor. Really mean it. Don't joke about this. Be serious and the Devil will take you seriously in your request. To seal the deal kneel on one knee, place your hands above your head like you were trying to grab a ladder. Say "Barad Moloch! Barad Satan!" Barad is pronounced "Bah-rod." You are giving them the ultimate respect by hailing them in the Hebrew language. Stand up and stare into the candles for awhile. Let your mind just drift or daydream for a few minutes. Extinguish the candles. Try to repeat the ritual daily until you get your results or the event has passed. The Devil works on matters of accusations, litigation or any situation where someone is pointing the finger at you. I usually work on more positive aspects in my life, but the Devil would work equally as well at bringing a politician down from a particular position. I've dealt with the Devil on 2 separate occaisions and assure you the above ritual works well. For personal reasons, I will not disclose what I wished for.

Homemade Deities

As of 2/25/12, this blog is open again.   I have some personal issues that I will have to deal with, but I vow to finish this blog for my readers.

Basic Concept: This chapter is a continuation of Chapter 6. I was exposed to the Lutheran church at an early age. I was familiar with Christian prayer, but had little success with it while I was in the church.

Books to Consider: Joyce Meyer's book on Simple Prayer (check title spelling). I am not endorsing Christianity here. The book sheds light on how to have better success with prayer. The Christian Prayer for Dummies (check spelling also) is another good book on prayer.

My Observations: Using information from Al Manning and the author of Astral Power (mentioned in Chapter 6) to construct my own magical prayer in October of 1986. Joyce Meyer's book above helped me to refine the prayer years later in 2009. I named and designated 5 spirits that would help me in various matters. The spirits' names were Corey, Daniel, Perry, Theodore, Tess and Xavier. Corey helped with me spiritual development, Daniel helped with business matters, Tess helped with me with love and relationships and Xavier would help me in developing my own magic. Xavier may have had lead me in the development of this prayer to the Forces. I will have to look up my old notes to see what Perry and Theodore helped me with. I seemed to recall that one knew past and future; the other spirit would know people. (another update on this later with more details) I defined each of the spirits above by name as well as their attributes (e.g. Tess would help with love and relationships). I pretended that they had been with me all along helping me with life. It is the idea that there are angels helping us all the time, but I was just giving them their names and thanking them. I always referred to them as "Secret Forces". I talked to them out loud, but whispered to them so other people wouldn't hear me. I found that this prayer was more effective than the Lutheran prayers to God in the past. I would see results frequently.

Prayers to the "Secret Forces" were as follows:
1. Contemplate these spiritual Forces. Take a moment to imagine they are there. Just pretend they are there; eventually one will swear that there are spirits intervening.
2. Talk to the Forces just like they were family members. Tell them what's on your mind, but try not to be negative.
2. Ask forgiveness for your wrongs or faults. Spirits want to help you to achieve your goals and be happy, but if you get sidetracked it's your own fault. Apologize and you will stay on track because you will think someone is watching over you and you have to stay committed.
3. Ask any of the specific spirits by name to help you with something: "Please give me strength/Please help me to find/Please help me to work with...". This is an optional phrase if you want to work with an individual spirit.

Using Subliminal CD's to Increase Psychic Ability?

Updated 6-2-2015

I seem to recall that the U.S. spent a lot of time testing remote viewing in the past for the use of psychic spying. It was either a book or it was in the news. I don't think they spent a lot of time developing the skills of the participants. They probably only tested a few gifted participants. It might have been a different story if they actually invested time in development.

I never was really born with any psychic ability, but I decided back in the 80's to try out some psychic development cassette tapes to see if they would help increase my abilities. After using the tapes, I experienced psychic visions. Psychic visions are almost flashes much like one was in a dream state while awake. I would get flashes of images like a still picture of something. These tapes were subliminal with words being said in the background of music. It worked and I would say they trippled or quadrupled my abilities within a short time. My abilities waned as I stopped using the tapes; I would assume that my skills will return if I used this product again. The tapes were lost over time. I still remember the names of the companies that gave me the success: Valley of the Sun Publishing and Potentials Unlimited. I bought a CD from Valley of the Sun Publishing 2 years ago, but I didn't have the same experiences that I did 30 years ago. Maybe, I didn't have the same topic on tape. I have a clairvoyance CD now instead of the vision inducing tape I had earlier.

The full information on these 2 companies:
click on Spirituality & Metaphysics
there are 2 CD's which are in this area
Develop Your Psychic Abilities
Remote Viewing/Time Traveler
use the link to the publisher's company found on his website-
link to
there are plenty of psychic development titles here

Read! Practice Exercises! Practice Spells and Magic

Updated 11/2/13

Whenever I had trouble sleeping at night, I'd meditate.  That includes visualization exercises.  Besides, you are really relaxed at night in bed unless you've been tossing and turning to try to fall asleep.  Take that annoying sleepless night to try to visualization of some object, person or animal.  The skill will pay off later.  You never know.  The boredom might put you back to sleep!

I wanted to really help the beginner to get started in the occult.  Just like I had done: start reading early.   You should have a zest or earnest desire to study this field.  If you only have a passing fancy go read some ghost stories and then do what you really want with your life.  This may not be what you really want to get into.  I used to go to my local library to read the whole section of occult books.  Everything from magic, divination or psychic fields.  Find what interests you.  Try not to hire those in the field to do things for you.  Practice magic rather than hiring someone for a single magic spell for $50.  If you have a good question about your life try out a legitimate psychic.  Watch out for psychics that might say you need to get another $200 to her or you might die next week.  Many of those in the field may not like my words, but you have to learn somewhere.  Try to do some things yourself.  If Tarot or the I Ching is your thing work with that and do it everyday for divination.  You may not feel you can predict what's going to happen tomorrow, but the reading might help you to be more creative in finding out which path you should choose.   It can take less than 1/2 hour out of your day to do some occult practice and plenty of time to do something else.  A little bit everyday.  My real start in this field was a book from Geof Gray-Cobb on Avatar Power.  I worked it every morning as much as much as possible.  I learned a lot just by working the magic.  If your thing is the psychic field try to work with psychic exercises or an astral projection.  Try to devote a small part of your time each to either reading, doing exercises and real occult work such as a ritual.  It isn't important to devote lots of time, but just try to do something everyday consistently for results.  With hindsight, I wished I could have developed my visualization skills to a greater degree.  I wished I had read more occult books by now.  The skills and knowledge help one to get better results for tomorrow.

My biggest drawback was bad habits - wasting time.  Watching TV, reading books that don't matter, shopping at stores that are not a priority in my life only deter me from carrying on with my life goals.

Draw up a plan for yourself.  Don't give all the fun things up, but bargain with yourself.  Tell yourself you will practice visualization for 10 minutes and than you can watch TV!  It is just like a person watching what she or he eats.   You might tell yourself you can eat your dessert as long as you eat your vegetables first.   Start today.  Once you get the ball rolling things get easier.   It's that first step that matters.

Mind Doesn't Just Work Over the Body - It Works Over the World Too

Updated 6-2-2015

My Story and My Views: In the late 1970's, the craze was pyramid power or kirlian photography. Pyramid power was demonstrated with little plastic pyramids that would supposedly keep razor blades from rusting. Pyschic energy and mind control were hot topics. The 2 most significant books that changed me during my teen years was Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, Silva Mind Control by Jose Silva and a book about TM. I don't recall the name of the book about TM. It mostly involved chanting Aum Mane Padme Aum over and over at bedtime. I felt the effects of that meditation even though I would find that I was saying the mantra wrong years later. I pronounced it "Oh-mm main pad-me oh-mm" and it seemed to work to bring a meditative state. Shakti Gawain states that "visualization is the technique to create what you want in your life."1 As a teenager, my biggest problem was to focus on 1 goal and stick to it. Creative visualization was a great idea, but one has to have the will to stick with it. I felt praying every night to God wasn't working. God didn't answer prayer and I had to find something that worked. Teachings from the Lutheran church didn't seem to be the truth to me. If it was the truth why didn't it work? I had developed the power to dissolve all my headaches by focusing or visualizing white light in my head where the brain is located. I found I could make pain go away. (review Silva Mind control here to give credits to Jose where needed). I begun to test or experiment on my own to see the truth of questions I had raised from the books I was reading. I remember one summer day my brother was scheduled for a big tennis match. The whole family went to the courts to give support. I decided to test whether the white light could focused outside my body on other people. I was not sure of the effects. Up to that point I had only used it on parts of my own body to dissolve pain. I started focusing white light on my brother with all my will. I tried to picture his body surrounded by an aura of white light. He started hitting the net on his serves and loosing points. I thought that this was detrimental to his play. I immediately changed to focusing white light on his opponent and his opponent began hitting the net on his serves and my brother started coming back. I kept it up till the remainder of the game. Both my brother and his opponent were well matched, but I think I did have a serious effect in his winning of that match. I'm not saying everyone can do this. You should always test and experiment for yourself. You may find that you can make headaches go away by focusing white light in your head just like I did. I tried astral projection, but had one experience out of the body. I would never have another experience out of the body. Astral projection is the sensation that your senses are outside your physical body. It is almost as though you were seeing things as a ghost that can roam the entire world. There are some great books out there such Robert Monroe's Journeys Out of the Body, Leaving the Body by D Scott Rogo and Projection of the Astral Body by Sylvan Joseph Muldoon. My one experience in the astral body was a very sickening experience not of my own will. Fate magazine advertised a witch that gave an astral projection course for 45 dollars to be paid over 3 months of 15 dollar installments. I missed getting my last payment to her and she neglected in sending me the lesson. She must have guaranteed results because I had my first and last experience of being outside my body. It was a very nauseating unpleasant experience. Watch contracting with any witch. You might get what you want regretfully! I have talked to others that have successfully perfected astral projection. Some can do it willfully.

1 Gawain, Shakti. Creative Visualization. New York: Bantam Books, 1982.

Please take time to read one or more of the following books that were in my collection. Shakti Gawain's book is now published with a newly revised edition.
Reed, Scott. The Miracle of Psycho-Command Power: The New Way to Riches, Love, and Happiness. Englewood Cliffs: Parker Publishing Co, 1976.
Murphy, Joseph. The Power of Your Subconcious Mind. New York: Bantam Books, 1982.

Reformed Freemasonry, My Own Mystery School and the Illuminati

Updated 3/22/12, Still under construction

I don't really approve of Albert Pikes's revisions of Freemasonry. It is similar to the conclusion I had about the Lutheran church. I was a confirmed Lutheran, but realized later that it was a movement that came from the ideas of 1 man. Why would we follow the philosophies of a single man? Although, I have followed highly respected genius men who have commanded people in quasi-masonic movements. Many of the initiation rituals have been published from years ago and are available to the general public. Current rituals in use by lodges today have changed by its members, but may have had their beginnings from those old published rituals. I offer my framework for an overhaul of Freemasonry for the 21st century. I would call the new member "the Free Journeyman". New tools would be discussed that are in use today by tradesmen. The first 3 rituals would be named Free Thinker, Free Worker and Free Journey. The first 3 rituals would not invoke only Ptah, the Supreme Architect, but also the other 2 from the Egyptian trinity as well. The members would progress to 3 levels within the organization: the Deist, the Rose Cross and finally the Illuminated Knight. Logic and reason would not be the only things taught. The Deist members could stop where at their level just absorbing philosophical and political teachings in addition to logic and reason. Those wishing to progress to the Rose Cross would learn theurgy, thaumaturgy, intuition and creativity.

My grand plans were for a mystery school taught through the internet. After an intense marketing campaign, most of my blog readers would learn to practice the occult themselves, receive a directory of occult sources and exercises along with my experiences as to what is possible. Those joining my mailing list would become the Followers of Nectanebus. The Followers would help write my final chapters and be given more exercises to perform (called the Lesser Work). Those in my local area could join my group: Alchemists of the Invisible Grove. These members would meet 1 day a week for discussions, receive a free copy of the Prayers to the Spiritual Forces, and undergo tests to allow one to join the Secret Council. The tests would find and help eject members of dogmatic faiths to find those pure of heart. Christians would have to deny/reject Christ as their Lord and Savior whereas Freemasons would have to discuss and express opinions about religion and politics for several hours. Tests would help sift out those with extreme dogmatic beliefs that might cause friction in the Secret Council. The Secret Council would be an inner group with no name. This group would join me in magical working using one of my key occult books. I realized I'd rather be an author or publisher of books and blogs. I would rather not recruit and train people in personally in a school atmosphere. For those that haven't focused on Freemasonry may not know what I'm referring to. Feel free to email me if you have questions. I hope to make future blog postings a little less complicated. More book reviews to come.

After 30 years of research, I've come to a conclusion about the Illuminati. Illuminati is mostly a name given to higher degrees of occult organizations. It is not a name of group holding any immense power. Our economies and nations are at the mercy of wealthy individuals buying up companies, commodities, options, futures and various other derivative investments. These investments may take a toll on the rest of us. Those wealthy individuals may or may not be working as a group. Take for instance George Soros' currency trading that almost broke the bank of England.

In the Play, You Get to Play the Part of Hiram

Updated 4/14/12

With Dan Brown's latest book on bookstore shelves, Freemasonry is really in the public's eye now. How is a Freemasonry ritual really constructed? Does it really teach any ancient mysteries? Did Freemasonry rise up because of the Catholic Church's inquisition in Europe? Did the KKK infiltrate the Lodge at some point? A few books written by Mason authors include The Masonic Myth by Jay Kinney, Freemasonry: Rituals Symbols & History of the Secret Society by Mark Stavish, and Cracking the Freemason's Code: The Truth About Solomon's Key and the Brotherhood by Robert L.D. Cooper. I have read a number of the older writings about Freemasonry. What Albert Pike might have revised may still be in the Lodges at this point. Now, the old saying might be "no man speaks for Freemasonry", but I'll say something about Albert Pike. While many men may have made modifications to Freemasonry I believe Albert Pike probably made the greatest contributions and revisions to it. Pike may have been gifted, but I don't know if he had a real good understanding of the mystery religion. It may differ with many Freemasons, but some of Pike's ideas I find to be profane. I don't like Albert Pike.

I remember going to a gas station in the last year and an advertisement caught my eye while I was refuelling my car. The ad said, "Share the Secret" with a reference to Freemasonry. A number of men's images are shown on the ad as well. I know something about the Lodge because I used to be a member to another type of Lodge not related to Freemasonry. I'm not here to discuss handgrips or passwords. Much has been proved already by numerous Freemason authors. I do want to point out the significance of the Master Mason degree. It's really no secret because the ritual has been discussed in a variety of books available to the public. The Freeemasonry ritual has even been shown on the History Channel. One should still become a Freemason and go through the 3 degrees because it is something that must be experienced which cannot be expressed through writing. The third degree has the initiate blind folded while he experiences a dramatic play put on for his benefit. This particular element of Freemason initiation is significant. This mythic play may not be real but the initiate experiences the character of Hiram from first person point of view in the real sense. This concept of Freemasonry as well as my previous concept of a Meme and a Me now make it possible to write the rites for the alchemist section of this book. Many of you will know where I am going with this.

I think that Freemasonry needs a overhaul, a makeover rather. Today, I would revise it to call it the Free Journey. The tools mentioned in the 3 degrees should be updated with that of the journeyman today. Although, there is a lot of white collar people out there that don't need to know all the old tools. As of July 2010, I've read a lot about the old rituals. I have about 20-50 books more to go to get some idea of the old rituals before Pike got to them. I want to rewrite the rituals and work with others to experiment with what I believe to be the lost pieces of the original rituals. While only the Supreme Architect is used, I want to invoke the Egyptian trinity through the first 3 rituals - symbolic death, rebirth and marriage. I will touch on this more in my next blog.